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Various modelling-related subjects about traffics and rolling stock that are being worked up.


The first streamlined train.


The second streamlined train.

Flying Scotsman

A big subject, this is supplementary info
about changes in the formation during
the 1930s.


Including the Lossiemouth sleeper.
And BR car carriers. Another big subject
and material that couldn't be fitted in the


More about the Glasgow-
Southampton 1922-39.


A closer look at carriages in the
LNER's tour train.

The Bradford-King's Cross portion

More on these portions in BR days.

More on the Sheffield Pullman.

Six examples

An overview of the services.


An overview of the designs and service.

An overview of the
designs and service.


The "quad-art" and BR Mk.I eras.

F5 Sub Tottenham

GE services in the London area.

Eagle small

A restored colour picture of an
LNER Sentinel rail car.


The vehicles and services

Horse and race traffic

Supplementary to various articles,
mostly LNER, some GWR, LMS and SR.

An overview of the
designs and service.

An outline of cattle traffic around the UK.

LMS-related cattle traffic.

Ogdens card

A big and oft-misunderstood subject,
this is an introduction.


An overview of the different types
in LNER and BR days and how they
were used.

LNER teak coaches and livery

Modelling LNER teak livery is not easy: here is some guidance based on prototype photos from the 1930s.


Four different types in LNER and
BR days and how they were used.


The LNER buffet cars into BR days,
starting with the conversions..


The LNER "standard" buffet cars
from LNER to BR days.

In LNER and BR days. Includes the
"Cambridge Beer Trains"

An overview of the designs
produced from the late 1930s.

An overview of the designs
produced after WWII.

An overview of the designs
produced after WWII.

An overview of the designs
produced after WWII.


The LNER dynamometer car,

Clere BG

Two versions, ex-ECJS and
GNR. The historical stuff only (or
see the modelling section).


A look at the immediate precursors to
the LNER 61'6" designs, built between
1906-22 and lasting into BR days.

Three oft-forgotten types, built
on recovered underframes of
two kinds, both NER-style.

An overview of the designs
produced in the 1930s and '40s.

D45 BG

The historical and service notes
1927-1960 of this key type that was
much used type on the ECML.

Thompson BG

A look at the distinctive Thompson
design born during WWII and lasting
into the BR blue era.


Examination of two designs built
for the GE Section in the 1920s, later
going into parcels service.

How the saloons developed and some models.


A look at the brake van of 1921-24
which lasted until around 1960.

396 small

Examples of portions that were attached to long distance expresses and transferred between trains.


Expansion of a subject covered in Model
Rail with focus on the portions.


A look at the brake composite and
its development.

LMS coal

An overview of the traffic and the
vehicles used.

Dillicar milk

Complete article about the traffic.

6671 small

A historical overview

LSWR horse boxes

With drawing and pictures from a
Model Railway News of 1952.

Much of the parcels traffic was conveyed
by normal service passenger trains.

Crewe Pcls

Developments after
Nationalisation in parcels trains.

mineral wagon

Miscellaneous goods and Mk.1 coaches.


Book review

Book review.

Book review.


Book review

Latest News

Leeds - West Riding

Leeds map

A new section with its own menu.

Read more ...

LNER Passenger Trains and Formations

The book took 12 years for me and Clive to complete and, though I say so myself, Ian Allan have made a beautiful job of it (see full description and sample pages). Vol.2 about the Secondary Services should follow in a year or so's time.

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